BOL feat. Snah & Stian Westerhus at Jazzfest!

Asphalt from Tone Åse on Vimeo.

“Genuine and expetional experiment !”

However concentrated BOL and their guest musicians were, there was no doubt they had exeptionally great fun in their improvisatoric and fresh exploring of new soundscapes. This was a playful evening …….If jazz is to be continued, it’s dependent on moments like this, where bleak copies of things done best 50 years ago, has to give room for experimenting and the real joy of playing!
Sveinug Wålengen, Under

“A complete band…..!”
Stian Westerhus has become known for his powerful array of guitar pedals, but manages as always to exploit the atmosphere and the context of the music, and all the time to adapt with new sounds and moods. Hans Magnus Ryan, on his side, concentrates more about chords and plays the guitar as if it was a guitar. And thereby the two guest musicians has made the masterpiece of being two guitarists on stage, incorporated in tunes not made for the guitar, and without problems finding their own roles which complements and fulfills the soundscape of the concert…….. the encore can best be described as this: “ if John Lennon under his work with “come together had been eating musrooms, met Albert Einstein who had also been eating musrooms- and after that met an alien who showed them both how the futures sound would be…” With this BOL ends a fabulous concert, there’s nothing more to say about that matter !!
Mathias Østrem, 14/5 2010

Tone Åse/Michael F. Duch- duo concert !

PØKK: Duo concert with Michael Duch
Tuesday 8. des at Smia, BLÆST, Trondheim , 21.30

The Åse/Duch duo is exploring different parameters of free improvisation, focusing on the sound and timbre that is created in the meeting between Michael’s experimental use of the acoustic double base and Tones mix of acoustic and electronic processed sound. Experimental and noisy- but also lyrical and harmonic- exploring how melodic and tonal parameters can be a natural part of it all…

BOL: Skylab Audiovision Tour

Bol på Tou

The audiovisual project Skylab Audiovision  is a realization of an idea BOL has had for some time, wanting to expand the music with the visual dimension, using light, video and objects, and improvising with all these elements. Sivert Lundstrøm  has made the light design and objects, and Pekka Stokke the video and programming. The project was performed in Trondheim,Verkstedhallen, Oslo, Viktoria (Nasjonal Jazzscene)  and Stavanger (Tou Scene) 15-18 sept. Thanks to everybody!!

The project has been supported by Norsk Kulturråd, Fond for Lyd og Bilde, Fond for Utøvende Kunstnere og Trondheim Kommune.

New video from the concert at Verkstedhallen:

BOL: Skylab Audiovision , excerpts from Tone Åse on Vimeo.

IMPROVOICING: Trondheim Voices with Marilyn Mazur

Trondheim Voices3_stort

Trondheim Voices er et ensemble bestående av profilerte vokalister med tilknytning
til det kreative improvisasjonsmiljøet i Trondheim. Med struper parat for det meste, ører på stilker, intuisjon og samspill som drivkraft og de musikalske strukturene som inspirasjon og rettesnor, skaper de nye vokalopplevelser både for seg selv og publikum.

Marilyn Mazur (Danmark) er en av våre fremste i den skandinaviske improvisasjonsmusikken, både som komponist og utøver. Til denne konserten har Marilyn bidratt med et verk utviklet i nært samarbeid med ensemblet.

“Enormt flott stemmespenn […] Fra det iskaldt-fremmedgjorte til det
rause og inkluderende. I sum en triumf for mangfoldet i den
menneskelige stemmen”
(Adressavisen, 17/7/09)

“Improvoicing er et nydelig bidrag til et hittil lite utforsket felt i
jazzen- vokalensamblet”
(Moldejazzavisa 17/7/09)
Arrangør: Dokkhuset Scene

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