Reviews : BOL


A solid sequel (…) although your expectations after listening to the album are high, it is an experience in itself to see and hear an electronic trio mastering the subtle art of playing together like this.

Roald Helgheim, Dagsavisen, Oslo

The span in their universe of electronica is delightfully extensive, from the obsessive to the nearby transparent fragile.

Svein Andersen, Aftenposten Oslopuls

Bol will probably be placed in the category of Jazz, although rockers and others with an open mind become to find pleasure in this excursion in Music. With “Silver Sun” Bol simply has given us some of the most exciting Music there is in a loooong, loooong time.

Tor Hammerø, Nettpuls, Oslo

“This jazz-poptronica trio from Trondheim have made a masterpiece with their second CD, a formula-defying journey up a river of humanity where heartbroken souls line the shore. 47 minutes of incandescent musical brilliance.”

Kevin Renick, It’sa trap /playback stl, St Louis, USA

….. Was das musikalische Weltraum-Labor trotzdem zusammenhält, ist die Ausdrucksstärke, mit der die drei Profis improvisieren und auf Klangjagd gehen. Und die Klangsprache selbst, die konsistent bleibt, trotz aller Ausflüge in grundverschiedene Genres. Dazu Tone Åses Stimme, die den so typisch norwegischen Klang irgendwo zwischen Susanna Wallumrød und Sidsel Endresen hat. Ab ins All !

Sebastian Pantel, Nordische, Germany

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